Reliable Power Line Network Control Solutions for Irrigation, Lighting, and Custom Design Services
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Design Services
Do you have an idea for an electronic device? Bibaja's experienced design team can turn your idea into reality. We offer a complete range of services from design, to prototype, and production.
Contact us today for your free quote.
Bibaja offers a full spectrum of design services including firmware customization for our standard products, schematic entry for custom device design, printed circuit board design and layout, prototype assembly, and production.

Do we make a device that will suit your needs with a few firmware changes? Ask us about customizing the firmware of our standard products to suit your needs. We offer very reasonable rates for small device orders, and for large orders we will customize the firmware for free.

Have an idea for a product and need someone to build it for you? Bibaja's engineers have a proven track record of delivering products that meet your specifications. Provide us with specifications for your idea, and let us know what you would like our engineers to do. We can create the initial prototypes and deliver a production ready device, or we can take your device all the way from prototype into production.

Our professionals will deliver a complete design package including specifications, commented source, firmware images for programming microcontrollers, schematics, gerbers and drill files for printed circuit boards, drawings for enclosures, and any other files necessary to produce your design.
Our engineers have a broad range of experience in custom printed circuit board design, embedded system design, controls, and networking. Review our experience and contact us for a quote today.
  • LEDs/LED Lighting -
    LEDs High power white and color LEDs
    Drivers Design of constant current LED driver with power factor correction and dimming control
    Controls Simple on/off control, digital dimming control, and integration with networked building control systems

  • Irrigation/Water Distribution -
    Flow Meters Flow measurement algorithms and data logging
    Valve Controls Drivers for latching and standard electronic control valves
    Pumps Simple on/off control and variable frequency drive (VFD) control for pumping stations
    Moisture Sensing Telemetry systems for soil moisture measurement

  • Microcontrollers -
    Atmel 8051/AVR AT89C2051, AT89C4051, ATTINY11, ATTINY12, ATTINY13, ATMEGA2560, ATMEGA1280
    Cypress Neuron CY7C53120E4, CY7C53150, CY7C53120L8, CY7C53150L
    Echelon Neuron PL 3120, PL 3150, FT 3120E4, FT 3150
    Intel ARM xScale PXA255
    Microchip PIC PIC18F4455
    Motorola/Freescale 60x PowerPC, 68000 family, 68HC05, 68HC11
    NEC/Renesas 78K0/Ix2

  • ASIC Design -
    Standard cell and gate array digital design using Verilog for simulation and RTL design, Leonardo for synthesis to Xilinx FPGA for prototypes, and Synopsys for synthesis to the final design. We have completed designs from 1000 gates up through 500k gates with embedded EEPROM, SRAM, FLASH, and mixed signal designs.

  • Networks -
    LonWorks over Power Line, TP/FT10, and RS485 twisted pair media
    TCP/IP over Ethernet, wireless, and dialup

    Xilinx, Altera, various PALs (16V8 and 22V10 to name a few), designed in Verilog, ABEL, and PALASM.

  • Firmware -
    Various assembly languages, macro assemblers, C compilers

  • Software -
    Application development on Linux and Windows using a variety of languages include C, C#, JAVA, Visual Basic, TCL/TK, PERL
We specialize in embedded systems design for control networks, including hardware and firmware development for LonWorks EIA709 power line and twisted pair networks.
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