bibaja.com Store Index :: Shipping & Returns |
Shipping & Returns |
Most in-stock items will ship within 24 hours of placing an order.
You will receive an email confirmation when you place an order. A
second email with the tracking information will be sent when an order ships.
Most items sold by Bibaja.com may be returned for a full refund of the purchase price within 30 days
of the date of purchase provided items are returned unopened and in the
original packaging. (See item details for exclusions.) Shipping costs are not refundable unless the item was mistakenly shipped by us. Please
contact us
to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. You are
responsible for shipping costs on returns. If you
received an item in error due to our mistake, Bibaja will refund the purchase
price and shipping cost and Bibaja will pay the return shipping cost.
Opened items may be returned within 30 days of the date of purchase and are
subject to a 15% restocking fee. Please
contact us
to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
All items purchased from Bibaja.com carry a one-year warranty against
defects. We will repair or replace any defective unit at no charge to you
within the one-year warranty period. Extended warranty and maintenance agreements are available. Please
contact us
for more information about purchasing an extended warranty or to request an RMA
number for warranty returns.